Samhain 20111111

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Samhain 11 -- Remembrance

Samhain -- Remembrance

Samhain (Samh rhymes with cow)

Date: Friday, November 11, 2011 (Veterans Day)

Time: 8 pm

Location: The beautiful MIT Chapel, on the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA at Mass Ave & Amherst St., MIT Building W15

Parking: Parking is available in the Chapel Turnaround: "Parks 20 cars and is for use with Chapel events. Turnaround is located on Amherst Street just after the Chapel."

The MIT Pagan Students' Group invites you to attend its annual Samhain ritual on Friday, November 11, at 8 pm in the MIT Chapel.

This is an open public ritual. It is intended both for those curious about Paganism and for practicing Pagans. All participants are equally welcome. Please arrive on time -- late arrivals are disruptive to the ritual and will not be admitted.

Samhain (pronounced SOW-in) is the Celtic New Year -- a celebration of the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. Samhain is when we say our good-byes to those who have died and to things that have ended. It is a time to acknowledge endings and to look forward to new beginnings.

This year we are having late Samhain and also celebrating the numerology of 11/11/11. If you would like to take a more active role in the running of the ritual, let us know and we’ll assign you a role.

Participants are invited to bring burnable tokens of remembrance of those who have gone before. There will be a place in the ritual to leave these; they will be ritually burned and buried by the Priestess and Priest after the circle.

We will be having live percussion by Martin Case and Eran Shaysh.


The MIT chapel is the cylindrical building with an odd spiky thing on top near the MIT Student Center. Get to 77 Mass. Ave. on the side opposite the MIT entrance with the pillars and walk west, away from the pillars, towards dorm row -- the chapel will be on your left. If you get to Kresge Auditorium (the building that looks as if you could ski off it), you've gone too far. If you notice a large inflatable grub-like thingy to your left, you have definitely gone much too far.

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